Las Peñas Condominio is not a hotel. We are a residential condominium where people live throughout the year. Our Administrative Council has asked that EVERY GUEST familiarize themselves and abide by a few simple rules established to ensure the safety and enjoyment of Las Peñas for everyone. You are being asked to read and sign this document to ensure that you are aware of our rules and agree to comply with them.
Maximum occupancy for each unit shall be 6 people in condos and 10 people for the penthouse. Only registered guests are allowed to enter the common area, visitors of guests are not allowed in the common areas.
NO pets are allowed.
Guests must check in at their arrival and check out at their departure. I.D. must be shown. All those in the party must be registered at time of arrival.
Avoid loud music or noise after 10:00 PM. Many of us come here for peace and quiet.
Only one parking space per Condominium unit.
Do not hang anything from your balcony glass.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult in the Common Areas.
Do not allow your children to play with the elevators.
No running in or around the pool area.
Do not reserve the lounge chairs around the pool.
The white towels are for covering the lounge chairs only. Please bring your own beach towel to the pool for drying off and sunbathing on the lounge chairs.
Lounge chairs are allowed on the beach. Only Owners and Guests of Las Peñas can use them. DO NOT share with other individuals from other neighboring condos.
NO glass or breakable objects allowed in the pool. Please drink and eat at the tables around the pool area.
Small children must wear pool diapers.
You are responsible for your family's safety. There is no lifeguard on duty at the pool or beach.
Proper swim attire (no cut-offs) is required in the pool.
Pools close at 10pm in order to add chemicals. Pool hours are subject to change due to the maintenance/cleaning schedule or weather conditions.
People with skin, eye, ear or any other contagious conditions or with severe burns, cuts, open injuries, patches or bandages will not be allowed to use pools.
All bathers must shower prior to entering the pools to remove oils and lotions that can contaminate the water.
Large inflatable boats, mattresses or any other large floating device are not permitted in the pool. Noodles are allowed.
Boom boxes, musical instruments, or any other equipment that can disturb others are not permitted in the pool area. Be courteous to others and use ear buds or headphones for your music enjoyment.
All users must wash off sand and dry themselves before entering the lobbies, elevators, stairways and hallways.
Do not pick the flowers on our property
Please help us to save water by reporting any leaks to the building Manager.
Guests should be aware that our entire staff, especially our security staff, are authorized by the Las Peñas Administrative Council to enforce the rules and maintain safety for our owners and guests. Any disrespect exhibited to our staff will be immediately reported to our Manager and the Administrative Council and dealt with accordingly. Please cooperate fully with the security staff when reminded about our rules.
Condominium Las Peñas Administration, at their sole discretion, reserves the right to deny access to facilities and demand guests to vacate the property. Failure to comply with the administrator’s request will result in contacting the local authorities.
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